NAME: Composite Property Chain.

CLASSIFICATION: Domain Modelling.

MOTIVATION: A composite chain can be appreciated by the following example: the son of the brother of my father is my cousin. The same structure can be applied for modelling, for example, the sucessive modifications that a protein goes through. The key on the composite chain is that there are two chains, but one of them is composed by a relationship that will be inferred by the reasoner: the reasoner will first infer that the brother of my father is my uncle (first chain: father + brother = uncle), and then that the son of my uncle is my cousin (second chain: uncle + son = cousin). The property uncle is common to both chains.

AIM: To model a double chain of properties, i.e. two chains that link four individuals.



ELEMENTS: This ODP is made by five object properties, grouped in two chains. Both chains have one object property in common: in one of them it is the head and in the other it is one of the precedents.

IMPLEMENTATION: The only main step of this ODP is to create both chains, and to link the appropriate individuals.

RESULT: The double chain is modelled. This allows for queries with the composite properties (e.g. has_uncle and has_cousin).



Extension ODPs (by-pass the limitations of OWL): Nary_DataType_Relationship, Exception, Nary_Relationship.
Good Practice ODPs (obtain a more robust, cleaner and easier to maintain ontology): Entity_Feature_Value, Selector, Normalisation, Upper_Level_Ontology, Closure, Entity_Quality, Value_Partition, Entity_Property_Quality, DefinedClass_Description.
Domain Modelling ODPs (solutions for concrete modelling problems in biology): Interactor_Role_Interaction, Sequence, CompositePropertyChain, List, Adapted_SEP.
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